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About Confidas

The Confidas Group was established in
New York in 1996 as a multi-family office
providing investment management and
corporate finance advice to family groups
in Latin America and Europe.


In 2004, Confidas created a platform for

co-investments in alternative strategies

( which has completed over US$2.2 billion in direct transactions and funds since inception.  Leveraging its long track
record of advising investors in different asset classes, Confidas developed a specialisation in co-investments in U.S. Commercial Real Estate
("U.S. CRE").  Partnering with several private lenders, Confidas is currently most active in bridge loans for a broad range of real estate asset classes in the United States.

Confidas Management Ltd. was founded as
a management firm specialised in products
backed by U.S. CRE debt for non-U.S. investors.
Using a proprietary methodology to select the
best lending and underwriting partners,
Confidas Management designs, structures
and delivers debt products backed by U.S. CRE,
segmented by loan seniority, asset type and
geography while optmising risk and return.

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